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How to wear our Charm Rings...

To my lovely Junk Jewels fans,

Just wanted to write a quick 'how to' on the best ways to wear our gorgeous charm rings which are new to the Junk Jewels website. As you may have noticed from the item description, these rings are available in one size only at a small size G (14mm diameter). We have designed the charm rings in this size to fit your pinky finger or to be worn as a half way ring, between the knuckle and tip of your finger.


Go for a subtle look and wear just a couple on one hand or mix them up with chunky ring styles as seen on Fearne Cotton.

We have two different sets of styles online, the Peace & Wing trio & the Love & Bird trio, both sets available at £10.00 each. 


We also have a huge selection of charm rings available in a range of sizes on our Portobello road market stall, each ring is priced individually at £5.00 each.

Show us how you wear yours! Send photos to

Much love,

 Zoe x


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